The first article is by a writer names Anna Pickard who writes for the guardian. The article is names “Bebo’s new soap is all product placements, no plot” this title tells us that the article is about bebo or bebo users. The secret world of Sam king is new short drama soap about a young man who bumps into famous musicians at work. However the writer of the article is not a big fan of the new soap and cross between “a careers day advert for entry level positions at large conglomerates, and every other Disney show banging around at the moment”. She also criticizes the lead actor by saying “shaggy haired teenage”. She also points out the fact that virgin sponsored the show as the brilliance of virgin was mentioned 9 times within a minute this is because they want their products to be advertised to bebo users who are also more likely to be involved with technology meaning that this makes them the perfect target audience. However she also talks about the good editing”very sharp and looks good”. However she says that even though she is not the target audience and that the episode is 3 minutes long it is not an excuse to lack a proper “plot”.]
The Internet is not leading us into the Dark Age
This article criticizes the internet for making people lazy and making them avoid reading. Saying that it helps people incapable of handling information, it basically talks about how the internet spoon feeds us information. He also adds to his point about the internet "stupefies" people by giving examples of conspiracy theories such as “Sadam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks “ and that the net is a unreliable source for information. Also to make his article seem less biased the writer names other authors and their books with similar views.
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